Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Top 5 Best Tips I've Learned So Far

  1. Bulk up EVERYTHING with fruits or veggies. I have a breakfast egg sandwich every morning of the week. I bulk it up with spinach in my egg whites and tomato sliced on the finished product. I put every veggie you can think of in my pasta, on my tortilla pizzas, in my kielbasa skillets, literally everything. It helps get your 6-8 servings in, plus it gives you more to eat!

  2. USE marinade!! It's almost always free and it makes meat, seafood, veggies, everything taste better on the grill or in a skillet.

  3. Let go of sugar as much as possible. Don't misunderstand, I still have my fair share of cake (my healthy coconut one!), chocolate, ice cream, etc - I just don't have anywhere near as much. It's made a huge difference.

  4. Stop drinking soda as your primary form of beverage. It's a shame, but it truly has to be water. I still have a diet pepsi when we go to restaurants, or every now and then if I'm craving it, but that's it. I know WW says you can have it, but it will only slow your weight loss. It sucks, I know - but if you want true success, you'll rock water instead.

  5. Prepare your own snacks and food as much as possible. I know it's hard to make a list, go to the store, shop, haul it all home, put it away, prepare it, eat it, then do it all over again. However, only YOU know what's in the snacks/meals you make. Going out all the time, or eating only boxed or processed foods will not give you long term success. They are great for when you're in a pinch, but BE HEALTHY! EAT FRESH! And not just Subway. :)


  1. Karen,
    What a fabulous job on the blog and what great information. With this fantastic attitude, no wonder you're doing so well with your weight lost! Hopefully I will loose this week.

  2. I agree with Mom.....this is incredible and unbelievably helpful. Thanks to you and Mom for helping me so much. I love you both.

  3. Yay for loving and helping! :) I'm committed to helping us be happy, healthy, and doing it together. Love you both!!

    Mom~you're going to do amazing tomorrow, I can just feel it!
