Saturday, January 14, 2012

Journaling and Measuring are bff's!

The reason we journal is threefold:
  1. To be able to track what we ate so our points are accurate.
  2. To visibly see how much we are truly putting in our mouth.
  3. And finally, to be able to look back and see where we were successful and where we weren't.
Journaling is VITAL to our weight loss success, and long term ability to reach our goals.  However, this is useless if we aren't also measuring what we're eating.  Saying I ate some carrots and light dip for a snack is so ambiguous.  Did you eat one carrot for every tablespoon of dip?  Did you eat enough for a veggie serving?  Did you measure your dip so you know if you had 2 points or 10 points worth and didn't even know it?  Say I gained a pound the week I journaled and measured like this?  How do I know where I began to go wrong?  See where I'm going with this?  If we want true LIFE LONG weight loss success, we have to not get cocky and think we got this.  Instead, stop being lazy - grab your measuring spoons/cups, grab your pen and journal and do it right! NO EXCUSES!!!!!


  1. Right now, to me, the journaling is harder than making healthier eating choices. It's not that I have stopped journaling- but I am being very vague. Instead of breaking everything down, I put- Dinner. 9 points. Eventually, I know it is going to catch up with me.

  2. Get proactive girl. Take care of business before it gets out of hand. I'm going to check your journal next Monday!!
