Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Favorite Food Products

I have a list of foods that are staples in my weekly diet. Some of them do take effort in preparing, so if you're too lazy to prepare something healthy for yourself or your family, shame on you. Call me and we'll talk. :) Ok, here are my fave finds so far!!

  • Wonton or Eggroll wrappers. I cut them into strips, and bake them at 375 with a little bit of Pam spray and salt. They are approximately 2-3 points for A LOT of them! I use them for chips and salsa, tuna salad, crab rangoon, and anything else you'd want a chip for.

  • PB 2. What is this you might ask? Powdered peanut butter!! Before you write me off as crazy, TRY IT! If you can tell a true difference between this and the regular stuff, you have a more delicate palate than me. 1 point for 2 TB!!! That's compared to 6pts for the regular stuff. Not to mention it's freaking good. I eat this with celery and apples all the time. High protein, a veggie or fruit serving, 1 point snack and super good. No brainer. I can only find it on amazon, fyi.

  • La Tortilla Factory tortillas. 1 point!! I use these for tacos and pizzas primarily.

  • Gortons Grilled Shrimp. These come in a yellow bag in the frozen fish section of your grocery store. 6 points for the whole bag, and yes, I eat the whole bag. :) I sautee them in a pan with one spray of Pam. They are also tremendous on salad and in pasta.

  • Sara Lee Light Bread - one point each slice. I ALWAYS spray a little bit of Pam on one side and grill it in a pan. I use it for Boca burgers, my egg sandwich in the morning, grilled cheese, so on and so forth.

  • Fat free Kraft American Cheese. 1 point and it melts REALLY good!

  • Popchips - 1 point for 8 chips. The regular and salt/vinegar are my favorite. It totally kills my need for something crunchy.

I do have more, but I'll save some for another day. :) Feel free to post your finds or if you are trying to replace something specific! Happy grocery shopping!


  1. Can you offer some 0 or 1 point salad dressings? I have one I am using for 0 but I would like some variety. I do prefer 0 :) Thanks bunches!

  2. I don't eat a ton of salad because you're right, the dressing is high points. Anything fat free is going to be 0 points. As is low fat/fat free mayo, and 99% of condiments. I'm working on a dressing I found in a magazine, if it turns out good I'll post the recipe!
